Add Locations Screen

Use the Add Location screen to add a location for the expense. This screen displays after you click New Location on the Location(s) tab of the Background section.


Screen Fields

Field Description

Enter a short description of the location. If this is a per diem expense, you can leave the field blank, and it will auto-complete based on the state and city options you select under Associated Per Diem Location. If you manually complete the Description field, your entry is not overwritten when you select a state or city option. This ensures that any unique description you enter in the field remains intact.


You can type notes or comments in this field. The limit is 254 characters.

Frequent Location

Select the Frequent Location check box if this is a location to which you frequently travel.

Associated Per Diem Location

In this group box, select the required per diem location information.

If your system administrator has configured default locations for per diem expenses, the default location displays in the Location field. You can override the default by selecting a different location.

What location information you must enter depends on the location requirements specified for the applicable per diem schedule in the Input Requirements group box on the Per Diem Schedules screen.

These fields are available only for lodging or meals expense types for which the Per Diem check box is selected on the Basic Information tab on the Expense Types screen. (If dates and location display based on the location selected in the Location field, you cannot change these fields.)

  • Country — If the per diem schedule linked to the expense report selected requires a country, select one from the drop-down list.
  • State/Province — If the per diem schedule linked to the expense report selected requires a state/province, select one from the drop-down list.
  • City — If the per diem schedule linked to the expense report selected requires a city, select one from the drop-down list.
  • County — If the per diem schedule linked to the expense report selected requires a county, select one from the drop-down list.

Click Reset to clear the default location fields and start over.

View Rates

Click View Rates to view details regarding the location selected (Lodging amount and Meals and Incidental Expenses amounts).


Click Cancel to exit from the Add Location screen without saving any changes you have made.


In the Create mode, click Save to save the information you have entered on the Add Location screen.